Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Yet another boring week

Ahh, yet another boring week for me, not much new is going on with me just the same old bullshit that happens around me.
Friday I should be going to see Underworld –jumps up and down- and that is thanks to my big brother –grins- but I do have to do some labor to get this movie treat but I’m ok with that no complaints from me…as long as it gets me out of my house I’m happy.
You all must watch CSI, its a great show in which you people might learn something from (you will eventually get caught no matter what you do, dont be stupid and think you can get away with it)
So, I’ve been studying for this stupid GED and I am so sick and tired of it, granted it’s a lot better then being in school and all but keeping my face in a book or on a computer screen for 4-7 hours is really tiring, when your doing a pre test that all together is 78 hours long and yes it really is 78 hours which I think is insanely stupid but hey, I have to have a way to succeed in life and prove I’m something and not just another statistic in life’s great circle.
Ok, I’m sorry I’ll stop ranting about my GED studies and talk about something more entertaining…
So I met this guy and he’s really hot and he’s a gamer…ya…just messing, but I did meet this guy who’s really cool…and I’ll just leave it at that (for fear that my brother may ask questions then start with ass kicking’s) oh my, what great fun it is having a brother…
OH MY GOD! A REALLY big ass spider just crawled across the desk, I HATE SPIDERS, ahh, I have a cat and I’m putting the cat to work (spider hunting) grr, If I see anymore spiders I’m gonna freak the fuck out…I hate ‘em, I hate ‘em all.
Ok now that I’m done freaking out over a stupid spider and sounding like some kinda lolly-gagged prep (yes I know its not really a proper usage in words but I.D.G.A.R.A).
Well gotta run the cops are after me again… -grins-
Oh ya, Shayna I’m gonna kick your ass when I next see you cause your ass owes me SO BIG, hahaha. And when we gonna next be doing motto-crossing? (if you ever get your ass ungrounded) call me, you whore.
Yes I am so nice to my friends –evil smiles- Love you all hehehe


Sandcatt said...

So of course you realize that there is no way in hell, at all, what so ever, that you're going to get out of answering those questions, right? LOL *WEG*

Carnalopey said...

Katie - I have to wonder where you learned such LANGUAGE! Shame on you LOL.

Love ya squirt