Saturday, January 07, 2006


Ok, suffering from MAJOR boredom, its like 4:30 in the morning and I know I should be in bed sound asleep right now but at this point and time sleep is a concept in which I am foren with, I’m not really sure why but I just cant sleep.
Oh Well….

I have been endlessly playing DDR and my goddess that game is addictive nice way to burn off some energy (yepy DDR, I love it) and the other game i've been playing endlessly in Final Fantasy I love that game and finally beat X-2 (I hope they make another one) I know they are making a full on anime movie including all of the characters so yep

So far its been the SSDD over here, we went out last night to do gaming and my mom and I got into a little…Brawl… so I got a busted inner lip, Ahh family love you gotta love it especially when your mom takes to the habit of calling you a whore or telling you you’re a bitch but I guess that’s pretty
slandered in my family, and oh the come backs I can come up with when my mom calls me something now.

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Yep I’m bored….

When Colors Leave

When the colors leave,
only black is to relate to
When the colors leave,
I have to watch the black snow fall down
Having nothing more to say
Having nothing more to think
Having nothing more to watch
Knowing that there is nothing
When the colors leave,
Only black is there to see
When the colors leave,
There’s nothing more to see
I tried not to hurt

But I only can hurt
I tried not to be what I hate
But I am only what I hate
I tried to be something

But I ended up being nothing

When the colors leave away
There’s only one more way
When the colors leave away

The path is clear to go away.

Ok now I'm gonna go try to sleep, and I'm so sorry I ramble alot....

1 comment:

Sandcatt said...

Sorry to hear you're bored sunshine. If you see my car out there, you're welcome to call - you know I'm up at that time.

As for the rest, all I can say is hang in there. The day isn't that far away before you never have to deal with it a gain if you choose to. :(