Friday, January 20, 2006

3:00 a.m. and I'm still up

Yet another day where I am up at 3:00 in the morning but I guess sleeping until 2:30 p.m. really doesn’t help me much. I’m going stir crazy over here people. I want to get out and do something or something but no one I know is up and moving at this time and I can’t make a lot of noise or I’ll wake my parents up. It blows, someone please save me.

Ahh…X-box…I need more games…I love my x-box its so cool, granted I don’t have the new 360 crap but I do I have a new original X-box and I love it, finally beaten Red Ninja and outlaw golf (that was kind of easy) I’m trying to talk my mom into getting me Silent Hill but ya…that’s a lost cause.

Oh latest news on the my back, still don’t know what the fuck’s going on with that even the doctors don’t know what the fuck is going one, thought I had an appointment but evidentially not and seems how the stupid doctor hasn’t called back I’m clueless. You’d figure with all the x-rays and scans and needles they’ve fucking poked in me someone would be able to tell me what the hell is going but NO all they know is I have to fractures and an abnormality or some shit like that, and the doctors have mentioned surgery and yet they cant tell us what the fuck the abnormality is, so what the fuck is up with that? OH I just want some answers and it’s all starting to way down on me and I guess people really don’t understand that, I would’ve figured 1 major surgery would be enough so…I’m praying I don’t have to go through yet another one. Cross your fingers for me people and light a candle.

OMG I really want to go see the new Underworld it looks so kick ass, hehehe I loved the first one so I think this one is gonna be awesome…

Oh, got a new hair cut and I look damn sexy, at first I was nervous cause I knew what I wanted but I wasn’t sure if it would look good on me but it does, I love my new look –grins-

Well, studying really hard to take this GED, It’s so much reading and work…kinda sucks but oh well I’m doing it for my better intrest or what ever, I just hope that I pass cause if not I’m screwed.

So this Saturday I promised I’d baby-sit 3 kids a baby, a 10 year old and a 12 years old. I look forward to it cause it least it gets me out of the house plus I love playing with the baby and messing with the 10 year old, I’m not quite sure about the 12 year old because I’ve never met her so…this will me fun (yes I am the desperate to get out of the loony house I live in)

Still looking for a damn job, I really need to find one so if anyone knows of anywhere that is hiring for fulltime please let me know, I’m gonna die if I don’t find one.

Hopefully here soon when I get the money I should be going to get my drivers permit thanks to my brother cause my mom is being lazy and no taking me so he said he will when he gets the time and I have the money –jumps up and down- doesn’t it scare you all to know that I might be driving soon? I already have driven and some of you people know I can drive rather well but to actually get something that says I can legally drive hehehe kinda freaky, huh?

Well got to run I have some stuff to do at 3:00 a.m. not sure what yet but it will come to me soon.

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