Saturday, October 14, 2006

Things I dont give a fuck about notebook

Oh yey I’m still alive…I think…

Well I’ve been working and all and I’m loving my job yes I can admit standing is a little tiring (and I did it for 10 hours today) but I’m getting use to it and sometimes the counting is tiring and all but still. I love it. Of course today I had a nice scare and thought I was gonna loss my job cause 79.00 or something like that was missing from my cashier drawer so I started to freak the fuck out cause I know I was counting my money right and everything and then my boss dude looked in our bank safe thingy and realized what was missing was put in there…grr but hey I got told today that my boss thought I was doing a great job and all and he didn’t mean to freak me out or anything…whew…

Let’s see here other then work I really haven’t been up to much I’ve pretty much dedicated myself to my job and all so I’m not partying or staying out until all hours of the morning or anything crazy like that hell all this week the only day I have off is Tuesday but I’m fine with that because there’s being able to do things either before work or after work…

I’m anticipating my sister coming back home and December and I keep holding my breath granted I know I won’t get to spend as much time with her because of work and all but at least I’ll get to see her and have the satisfaction of her being back home and with the family that loves her most ;)

Teal’s moved out of my house and in with yet another friend and I guess she is now regretting it seems how her friend has a 1 bdr. Apartment and there are 4 people living in it and now she feels truly homeless plus she has no job and isn’t in school anymore and even though I don’t approve of what she is doing I still stand by her and I’m still her friend even though she does piss me off sometimes but I guess her moving out was for the better cause her living with me was tearing our friendship apart.

Well I’m heading off to bed its 12:00 a.m. I’m sicj and I have work at 12:00 this afternoon or w/e

PS Eric if you read this let me know if you me and the pussy are still up for coffee


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