Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck, fuck.
OK, I’m happy now.
So hello people I hope everyone is doing well and not getting into any trouble.
So my mom might take some money out on me because of our recent phone bill in which she hasn’t seen yet (or maybe she has seen it) I’ll probably only have to give her $20 because that’s how much of it is my fault other then that the bill all together is $125.39 –smiles- hehehe but hey at least it wasn’t a $200.00 one again.
Ahh, I can’t wait until the 3rd of this upcoming month because of a movie that’s coming out –jumps up and down- my bro and I will be going to see it together that is if he isn’t asleep or something like that.
Life has pretty much been sucking for me but what else is new. At home life is crazy and aggravating, my mom is driving me up and wall like usual but I am concerned about her because her back keeps acting up. And Tad…well… I try to avoid him as much as possible unless we are out some where or what ever.
Oh good news people, I don’t have to get surgery on my back (thank god) I just have to go into fiscal therapy (oh how fun) I can tell it’s probably gonna suck really big balls but hey that’s life, right?
Hahah, all the horror movies I love ‘em all they are so cool and saw 2 was the shit, really bad ass kind of a sick twisted thought and all little weird at the end but other then that pretty fucking wicked.
SO...I’ve been baby-sitting this whole weekend probably wont be home until noon tomorrow, yepy. And I may have said this before but I love kids you know they are cute and all that as long as you can give the little fuckers back then its all good.
Oh ya, I am a blonde now, I stripped away all of my black hair and am now blonde, it looks…umm interesting and I must say I look damn sexy as a blonde NOT…oh well but it does look kinda cool and was definitely a major change on my part.
To my sister BULLSHIT in nice capital letters, good catholic girl who has never smoked anything other then cigarettes all her life, hahaha my ass you lie horribly
Well got to run I have problems to go cause with people –grins-