Saturday, February 25, 2006

Aww look at the kitty

Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck, fuck.
OK, I’m happy now.
So hello people I hope everyone is doing well and not getting into any trouble.
So my mom might take some money out on me because of our recent phone bill in which she hasn’t seen yet (or maybe she has seen it) I’ll probably only have to give her $20 because that’s how much of it is my fault other then that the bill all together is $125.39 –smiles- hehehe but hey at least it wasn’t a $200.00 one again.
Ahh, I can’t wait until the 3rd of this upcoming month because of a movie that’s coming out –jumps up and down- my bro and I will be going to see it together that is if he isn’t asleep or something like that.
Life has pretty much been sucking for me but what else is new. At home life is crazy and aggravating, my mom is driving me up and wall like usual but I am concerned about her because her back keeps acting up. And Tad…well… I try to avoid him as much as possible unless we are out some where or what ever.
Oh good news people, I don’t have to get surgery on my back (thank god) I just have to go into fiscal therapy (oh how fun) I can tell it’s probably gonna suck really big balls but hey that’s life, right?
Hahah, all the horror movies I love ‘em all they are so cool and saw 2 was the shit, really bad ass kind of a sick twisted thought and all little weird at the end but other then that pretty fucking wicked.
SO...I’ve been baby-sitting this whole weekend probably wont be home until noon tomorrow, yepy. And I may have said this before but I love kids you know they are cute and all that as long as you can give the little fuckers back then its all good.
Oh ya, I am a blonde now, I stripped away all of my black hair and am now blonde, it looks…umm interesting and I must say I look damn sexy as a blonde NOT…oh well but it does look kinda cool and was definitely a major change on my part.
To my sister BULLSHIT in nice capital letters, good catholic girl who has never smoked anything other then cigarettes all her life, hahaha my ass you lie horribly
Well got to run I have problems to go cause with people –grins

Monday, February 20, 2006

Ok people, I;m sorry I havent posted on a few but I just got over a major flu. I'm still a little sick but much better then I was seems how the flu I had, had me down for the whole weekend 2 of those days having a temp.
well gotta run food is calling my name

Monday, February 13, 2006

Growing up

Have you ever just stopped to think about your life? So many times in this past year I have and I’m always finding myself think of how quickly you really have to grow up, you don’t get to spend as many years as you think goofing off and just being a kid because usually by the time you hit 13 years old people are already expecting so much out of you. Sometimes I find myself wishing that I where just a little kid again and not having a care in the world and depending on other people for help like my big sister who was always there to take care of me know matter how much of a brat I was and then my mom cause she was after all the one to bring me into this world and I know if she really wanted to she could take me out as well, even Tad was there even though I didn’t much show my appreciation to him but he did help us out a lot along the way. I guess what I’m really trying to say is just in the past year I realized just how much growing up I really have to do and in such a short time. Soon I’ll be out on my own paying my own bills and doing my own thing with no one but myself to depend on and at times I’m scared about it and other I can’t wait to get out in the world and experience things for myself. It kind of sucks though when you actually have to stop and think and realize OH SHIT, I’m growing up…
Ahh, and a nice little update. My computer is on the major fucking fritz I left Saturday night so I can do baby-sitting on Sunday and when I got back home I tried to turn my computer on and if goes to a blue screen saying something’s wrong with some new drive I installed on my computer (I HAVENT INSTALLED ANYTHING NEW) and of course I asked my mom if anyone was on my computer and her reply was a hesitated no…so ya…and because its all fucked up I cant do any studying for my G.E.D, grr…
Baby-sitting, its so very fun (NOT) its of for the most part but I get so worn out by it, running after the baby, making sure there not sticking anything in there mouth, changing them, waking up at 3:00 A.M. to baby screaming for another bottle or because the baby is up, VERY TIRING, I like get don’t get me wrong but I think I agree with my bro there cute and all as long as you can give the little fuckers back.
So we still don’t know what is going on with my back seems how the fuck head dr. still hasn’t called us back, my parents say no news is good news but that’s a fucking lie because my mom got no new for 6 months, then she found out she had to go in for surgery…I hate this waiting bullshit…
Well got to run I have to get dinner started for people –smirk-

Friday, February 10, 2006

The wonders of baby-sitting (someone please shoot me) that’s almost all I am doing for the rest of the month and yes I do mean the rest of the month. Lets see here this Friday I have baby-sitting 4:00 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. the next day (and that’s three kids) then Sunday I have baby-sitting 10:00 until 7:00 then Thursday I have it 10:00 until 7:00 again and THEN I have 24-26 baby-sitting and yes I mean the dates like that because I will be staying over there the whole weekend, but I’m doing this out of the kindness of my heart (really) but the good thing about it is I will have a bit of money to play around with but most of it my satanic mother will be taking for a phone bill.
I’m not really sure but I have a strange urge to go to Hooters, hmm, I want some of there food. To my brother we must go around the end of the month or something and it will be on me because I owe you for the movie thing.
Ahh, on to a more entertaining subject, my sister –grins- as I have given her the name to this site and she now reads about my NOT QUITE every move she thinks she may be able to poke fun at me, hehehe, but eventually she will forget. And now that she has her own she better write in it damn it. And yes I know I have a potty mouth but guess who I learned it from?
OK my mother is CRAZY, she still is going off about me marrying Erinn which is really…annoying, she says she doesn’t hate him she just doesn’t want me to marry him, how dumb is that? And as Erinn pointed out if she doesn’t hate him why would she not let me marry him is I wanted to in the future? But as I have told her many times before we are just friends and to get over it…
Well gotta run going to go bug my bro at this obscene hour of morning

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Yet another boring week

Ahh, yet another boring week for me, not much new is going on with me just the same old bullshit that happens around me.
Friday I should be going to see Underworld –jumps up and down- and that is thanks to my big brother –grins- but I do have to do some labor to get this movie treat but I’m ok with that no complaints from me…as long as it gets me out of my house I’m happy.
You all must watch CSI, its a great show in which you people might learn something from (you will eventually get caught no matter what you do, dont be stupid and think you can get away with it)
So, I’ve been studying for this stupid GED and I am so sick and tired of it, granted it’s a lot better then being in school and all but keeping my face in a book or on a computer screen for 4-7 hours is really tiring, when your doing a pre test that all together is 78 hours long and yes it really is 78 hours which I think is insanely stupid but hey, I have to have a way to succeed in life and prove I’m something and not just another statistic in life’s great circle.
Ok, I’m sorry I’ll stop ranting about my GED studies and talk about something more entertaining…
So I met this guy and he’s really hot and he’s a gamer…ya…just messing, but I did meet this guy who’s really cool…and I’ll just leave it at that (for fear that my brother may ask questions then start with ass kicking’s) oh my, what great fun it is having a brother…
OH MY GOD! A REALLY big ass spider just crawled across the desk, I HATE SPIDERS, ahh, I have a cat and I’m putting the cat to work (spider hunting) grr, If I see anymore spiders I’m gonna freak the fuck out…I hate ‘em, I hate ‘em all.
Ok now that I’m done freaking out over a stupid spider and sounding like some kinda lolly-gagged prep (yes I know its not really a proper usage in words but I.D.G.A.R.A).
Well gotta run the cops are after me again… -grins-
Oh ya, Shayna I’m gonna kick your ass when I next see you cause your ass owes me SO BIG, hahaha. And when we gonna next be doing motto-crossing? (if you ever get your ass ungrounded) call me, you whore.
Yes I am so nice to my friends –evil smiles- Love you all hehehe